Jordi Nadal Lorenzo

Professor titular

Scopus: 55597088165

Short biography

I have been employed in different academic institutions such as the Open University of Catalonia and, since 2003 permanently at the UB. I have specialized in the archeology of the last hunter-gatherer societies in the Mediterranean basin of the Iberian Peninsula, having excavated in more than 50 campaigns from different archaeological sites (including l’Abric del Filador, l’Hort de la Boquera and Balma del Gai) and in archaeozoology (with more than 100 published studies). Within this field, my contributions stand out in the taphonomic interpretation of bone remains in archaeological sites and especially in the interpretation of small prey in the register. Currently I have focused my research on the study of the evolution of the landscape and the subsistence economy of animal origin, through bone and mollusc remains, in the Barcelona plain.

Selected publications

  • Thomas, P.; García-Cano, J.M.; Albizuri, S.; Nadal, J. (2022) Gaming and divination pieces, markers of ownership, or all three? Zooarchaeology and the interpretation of knuckle bones found in tombs of Iberian necropolis of El Poblado (Coimbre del Barranco Ancho, Murcia, Spain). Anthropozoologica 57 (6): 147-166. DOI: 10.5252/anthropozoologica2022v57a6.
  • Lloveras, L.; Thomas, R.; Moreno-García, M.; Nadal, J.; Tomàs, X.; Rissech, C.; Bellis, L. (2021) Pathological and sub-pathological changes in European rabbit bones: two reference cases to applied to the analysis of archaeological assemblages . International Journal of Paleopathology 34: 90-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpp.2021.06.004.
  • Cuenca, D.; Clemente, I.; Lloveras, L.; García-Argüelles, P.; Nadal, J. (2021) Shell tools and productive strategies of hunter-gatherers groups: some reflections from use-wear analysis at the Balma del Gai site (Barcelona, Spain) . Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102955.
  • Lloveras, L.; Nadal, J.; Fullola, J.M. (2020) Distinguishing the taphonomic signature of wolves from humans and other predators on small prey assemblages. Scientific Reports 10. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64716-8.
  • Lloveras, L.; Salazar, R.; García-Argüelles, P.; Nadal, J. (2020) Birds and Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherers in northeast Iberia: the case of the Balma del Gai site . Quaternary International 543 (30): 25-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.03.010.

Selected projects

  • PID2020-117186GB-I00: Cambios ambientales, paisajísticos y adaptabilidad humana en un llano litoral mediterráneo durante el Holoceno: el sector de Montjuic en el pla de Barcelona .
  • PID2020-113960GB-I00 : El poblamiento humano en el NE peninsular y contexto paleoambiental durante el Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno inicial 
  • 2017SGR11: Grup de Recerca de Qualitat SERP (Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques).
  • FCT-17-11972 : Integra>Ciencia: Divulgación científica sin barreras .

  • RED2018-102382-T: Origen, desarrollo y consolidación del neolítico en el ámbito Mediterráneo.
