Neemias Santos da Rosa

Investigador Postdoctoral


Short biography

Neemias Santos da Rosa is an archaeologist specialising in the study of prehistoric art from a perspective based on experimental archaeology. Throughout his professional career, he has been investigating the technological, social, and symbolic aspects of prehistoric rock art, with a special focus on the Iberian Peninsula. During his Master’s studies at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal, 2012), he analysed the typological and technical aspects of the Tagus Valley rock art engravings. Later, during his PhD at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain, 2019), he carried out extensive research on the chaîne opératoire involved in the production of the Levantine rock art paintings.

Over the last decade, he has had the opportunity to work on several international projects and carry out archaeological research in six countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Brazil, and South Africa) and three continents. Since February 2020, he has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona (UB), working in the ERC Artsoundscapes Project and the acoustic characterisation of rock art sites and landscapes.

Selected publications

  • Díaz-Andreu, Margarita, Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos, Andrzej Rozwadowski, Lidia Álvarez Morales, Elena Miklashevich, and Neemias Santos da Rosa. 2022. “The Soundscapes of the Lower Chuya River Area, Russian Altai: Ethnographic Sources, Indigenous Ontologies and the Archaeoacoustics of Rock Art Sites.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.

  • García Atienzar, Gabriel, Virginia Barciela, Neemias Santos da Rosa, and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 2022. “La Modelización Del Paisaje: Iconografía y Percepciones Visual y Sonora En El Arte Rupestre Macroesquemático.” Virutal Archaeology Review 13 (27).

  • Pasalodos, Raquel Jiménez, Ana María Alarcón Jiménez, Neemias Santos da Rosa, and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 2021. “Los Sonidos de La Prehistoria: Reflexiones En Torno a Las Evidencias de Prácticas Musicales Del Paleolítico y El Neolítico En Eurasia.” Vinculos de Historia 10: 17–37.

  • Santos Da Rosa, Neemias, Laura Fernández-Macías, Tommaso Mattioli, and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 2021. “Dance Scenes in Levantine Rock Art (Spain): A Critical Review.” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 40 (4): 342–66.

  • Santos da Rosa, Neemias, Laura Fernández Macías, and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 2021. “Las Escenas de Danza En El Arte Rupestre Levantino Del Bajo Aragón y Maestrazgo: Una Síntesis Crítica.” Zephyrvs 87: 15–31.
