Ana Pastor Pérez

Investigadora Postdoctoral Margarita Salas de la Universitat de Barcelona

Sci Profile: 440827
Scopus: 57222734077

Short biography

Ana Pastor Pérez is a multifaceted researcher and lecturer with a background in social archaeology, critical heritage studies and conservation. Ana started her studies in History and Archaeology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and continued with a degree in Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Cultural Heritage. It was followed by different works and internships in the professional sector in France and Portugal. After completing a risk management course at ICCROM, she moved to Barcelona to study the MA in Cultural Heritage Management and Museology (University of Barcelona) followed by a PhD in Culture and Society. She co-funded the Group of Public Archaeology and Heritage (GAPP), recent member of DIDPATRI and collaborates with the “Cultural Heritage Management Research Group” of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Currently she holds a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) within the Margarita Salas Programme of the University of Barcelona. She develops a research line on Gender and Caregiving applied to critical studies in Cultural Heritage Management and Public Archaeology.

Shaping innovative research patterns and knowledge transfer to connect current social challenges with the Academia, is a constant in her work. Part of her work involves an in-depth study of ethnographic methodologies to critically analyse participatory processes and knowledge transfer. She is also an academic who seeks to make visible structural violence and the prevention of harassment in the archaeological and academic profession.

Selected publications

  • Pastor Pérez, A. & Díaz-Andreu. (2022). Conservación [Crítica] Social en Arqueología. Chungará Revista de Antropología Chilena, 54 (1), 165-179.

  • Pastor Pérez, A. et al. (2021). Democratising Heritage Values: A Methodological Review, Sustainability, 13(22), p. 12492. doi: 10.3390/su132212492.

  • Pastor Pérez, A. & Ruiz Martínez, A. (2021). Metodologías para una conservación Participativa en Arqueología. VestÍgios – Revista Latino-Americana de Arqueología Histórica 14(2): 121–149. doi: 10.31239/vtg.v14i2.26085.

  • Pastor Pérez, A. (2021). Reflexiones en torno a la socialización de la conservación preventiva en España. Conservar Património. 37, 133-147.

  • Coto-Sarmiento, M.; Delgado Anés, L.; López Martínez, L.; Martín Alonso, J.; Pastor Pérez, A.; Ruiz, A.; Yubero Gómez, M., (2020) Informe sobre el acoso sexual en arqueología (España)Barcelona, Madrid.

Selected projects

  • I+D+i Retos Sociedad 2020. Postdoctoral contratada (fins març 2022) i equip de recerca PCI2020-112069. “CURBATHERI-Deep Cities”, Margarita Díaz-Andreu García. (Universitat de Barcelona). 01/07/2020-31/12/2022. 98.000 €. Coordinador.

  • I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 2013. Investigadora contratada. PCIN-2013-036 «Los Valores del Patrimonio» Margarita Díaz-Andreu García. (Universitat de Barcelona). 30/10/2013- 30/10/2015. 36.182 €.

  • I+D+i Generación de conocimientos y Retos sociedad. Equip de treball. PID2019-110748GB-I00 “Arqueólogas. Recuperando la memoria: recorridos femeninos en la Historia de la Arqueología española (siglos XIX y XX)”. Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 1/06/2020-31/12/2022. 48.400 €. Miembro de equipo.

  • Responsable d’arqueologia i patrimoni del projecte de conservació i restauració del «Hospital de Cartró de Capdella» (Pallars Jussà) dirigit pel MNACTEC i l’Agència de Patrimonio Cultural.

  • “Nous Patrimonis Perifèrics” subvenció de Cultura del Ajuntament de Barcelona en col·laboració amb les associacions Trinitat Uneix i Esplai la Tortuga (Trinitat Vella, Barcelona).
