F. Xavier Oms Arias

Professor Lector

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1642-548X
Email: oms@ub.edu

Short biography

I got my degree in History at University of Barcelona in 2004. I dedicated the first decade to preventive archeology and archaeological and architectural heritage. Since 2005, I began to collaborate and lead excavations with the SERP research group of the UB and also started with the CSIC-IMF and the IPHES-URV, always focused on the analysis of Neolithic pottery analysis and radiocarbon dating. After reading the PhD in 2014, I consolidated my scientific production, focusing especially on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Iberian levant and published in national and international journals, as well as in scientific meetings and congresses . In 2016, I entered the UB as an associate lecturer and later, in 2021, I won a position as lecturer at the same institution. Since that moment I have continued to publish articles and books while teaching Archeology and History degrees at this university.

Research interests

My research is focused on the transition between the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic populations of the Western Mediterranean, and their development and extension during the Neolithisation process. Statistic analysis of radiocarbon dates, chrono-typological study ofEarly Neolithic pottery and the field-work are the main tools in my research.

Selected publications

  • Oms, F.X.; Mestres, J.; Martínez-Grau, H.; Laborda, R.; Antolín, F.; Bergadà, M.M.; Emens, A.; Gibaja, J.F.; González Olivares, C.; Mangado, X.; Martín, P.; Mas, B.; Nadal, J.; Fullola, J.M. (2021). Fases de ocupación y estratigrafía del asentamiento neolítico de Les Guixeres de Vilobí (Sant Martí Sarroca, Barcelona). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 78(2), pp. 257 – 276 . https://doi.org/10.3989/tp.2021.12275 . ISSN: 0082-5633.
  • Bergadà, M.M.; Oms, F.X (2021). Pastoral practices, litter and fodder during the Late Early Neolithic through micromorphology at Cova Colomera (Southeastern Pre-Pyrenees, Iberia). Open Archaeology(7), pp. 1258 – 1273 . https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2020-0183 . ISSN: 2300-6560.
  • Martínez-Grau, H.; Jagher, R.; Oms, F.X.; Barceló, J.A.; Pardo-Gordó, S.; Antolín, F. (2020). Global processes, regional dynamics. Radiocarbon data as a proxy for social dynamics at the end of the Mesolithic and during the Early Neolithic in the NW of the Mediterranean and Switzerland (c. 6200-4600 cal BC). Documenta Praehistorica(47), pp. 170 – 191 . ISSN: 1408-967X.
  • Oms, F.X.; Sanchez M.; Petit, M.A.; López-Cachero, F.J.; Mangado, X. (2019). Nuevos datos del VI y V milenio cal BC en el llano y Prepirineo de Lleida (NE de la Península Ibérica): el Abric del Xicotó y Les Auvelles. Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia(70), pp. 5 – 19 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 1132-2217.
  • Oms, F.X.; Terradas, X.; Morell, B.; Gibaja, J.F. (2018). Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the northeast of Iberia: chronology and socioeconomic dynamics. Quaternary International(470), pp. 383 – 397 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.003 . ISSN: 1040-6182.

Selected projects

  • Transicions culturals durant el Pleistocè superior i l’Holocè al litoral – Prelitoral de Catalunya . 2012 – 2025 . Ref. CLT/2022/ARQ001SOLC/172. Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya . IP: Jose Maria Fullola Pericot; F. Xavier Oms Arias.
  • Las sociedades humanas y su interacción con el entorno en el NE peninsular desde el Pleistocieno superior hasta inicios del Holoceno . 2018 – 2020 . Ref.HAR2017-86509-P. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . IP: Jose Maria Fullola Pericot; Maria Pilar Garcia-Arguelles Andreu.
  • Familias, vecinos y forasteros en la prehistoria reciente del prelitoral catalán . 2018 – 2021 . Ref.HAR2017-87695-P . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . IP: Francisco Javier Lopez Cachero.

  • Pleistocè superior i Holocè a la conca mitja i alta del Segre . 2018 – 2021 . Ref.CLT009/18/00030 . Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya . IP: Xavier Mangado Llach; Francesc Xavier Oms Arias.

  • S.E.R.P (Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques) . 2017 – 2021 . Ref.2017SGR11. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . IP: Jose Maria Fullola Perico.
