Ignasi Garcés Estallo
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4509-1703
ID Researcher: AAC-3177-2020
Scopus: 57192980041
Email: garces@ub.edu
Short biography
Studies in history and archeology at the universities of Lleida and Barcelona (1976-1981). Doctoral studies at the universities of Barcelona and Autònoma de Barcelona (1982-1983). Professional practice in archeology (1983-1984). FPI scholarship at the University of Lleida (1984-1986). Lecturer in ancient history at the University of Barcelona since 1987. Doctor in prehistory and ancient history in 1991 with a thesis on the late Iberian period in the Ilerget world. Post-doctoral studies at the University Complutense of Madrid and Oxford. Associate professor at the University of Barcelona since 2005. He has directed excavations in the Roman city of Iesso (Guissona, la Segrra), and at the protohistoric sites of Tossal de les Tenalles (Sidamon, Pla d’Urgell) and Fortalesa dels Vilars (Arbeca, Garrigues). He is currently the principal investigator of a research project in the Roman city of Aeso (Isona, Pallars Jussà) and its territory.
Research interests
My lines of interest cover three major chronological periods applied to the territory of the Segre river valley, and sometimes also including neighboring areas: a) the Mediterranean Hispanic populations in the centuries immediately preceding the arrival of the Romans (6th-3rd centuries BC) .), with research in the review of materials in museum collections, the studies of Iberian epigraphy and iconography; b) the transformations experienced during the conquest and early times of Roman rule (2nd-1st centuries BC): studies of the territory, archaeological excavations, review of materials, epigraphy and historical studies; c) the consolidation of Roman culture during the Roman Empire: studies of the territory, archaeological excavations, revision of materials and studies of Latin epigraphy. Complementarily we also developed two other lines of the reception of Antiquity in the cinema and the search for gender applied in ancient history.
Selected publications
- MARTÍN CHACÓN, B.; GARCÉS ESTALLO, I. (2022). Late Iron Age Iberians and Rome in the Segre Valley (North-East Hispania): transformation and integration, Ñaco del Hoyo, T., Principal, J., Dobson, M. (Eds.), Rome and the North-Western Mediterranean. Integration and connectivity c. 150-70 B.C. Oxford. Osbow books:105-120.
- GARCÉS ESTALLO, I.; BELMONTE SANTIESTEBAN, C.; BERMÚDEZ LÓPEZ, X.; REYES I BELLMUNT, T. (2020). Serrat dels Espinyers (Isona i Conca Dellà, Lleida, Catalonia), a multi-period storage site in the Pre-Pyrenees, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102173.
- SABATÉ VIDAL, V.; MARTÍN CHACÓN, B. GARCÉS ESTALLO, I. (2020). Una nueva inscripción procedente del ager Aesonensis (Isona i Conca Dellà, Lérida), Habis 51, 193-201.
- GARCÉS ESTALLO, I. (2020). El Tossal de les Tenalles de Sidamon: del naixement de l’arqueologia ilergeta a la recuperació d’un hàbitat protohistòric del Pla d’Urgell. Torres Benet, M., Garcés Estallo, I., González Pérez, J. R. (eds.). Projecte Ilergècia: Territori i poblament a la plana ilegeta, XLV Jornada de Treball del Grup de Recerques de les Terres de Ponent (Sidamon, 2017). Sant Martí de Riucorb, Grup de Recerques de les Terres de Ponent: 47-84.
- GARCÉS ESTALLO, I. (2018). ¿Aeso lacetana? Nuevos paradigmas en la atribución de territorios a las formaciones prerromanas, Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent, 28: 131-144.
Selected projects
- La ciutat d’Aeso (Isona) i el seu territori a les èpoques ibèrica i romana. It seeks to carry out archaeological excavations in the Roman city of Aeso (Isona) and in the Roman villa of Llorís, study and prospect the territory and review related museum holdings.
- Serrat dels Espinyers (Isona i Conca Dellà, Pallars Jussà, Lleida). Aplicación de metodologías y técnicas de las ciencias experimentales/analíticas en Arqueo-Paleontología. The project is a continuation of another previous where a study of peptide imprinting in horses from the late Iberian period was carried out. Now its dating is sought by C14.