Laura Vidal Panadès
Short biography
In 2021, I graduated with a Bachelor Degree (BA) in Archeology from the University of Barcelona. I wrote my UG dissertation on the Spatial Analysis of the Early Cardial Neolithic occupations at Les Guixeres de Vilobí, at the Sant Martí Sarroca municipality in the Alt Penedès administrative district. I learned to manage databases and take the first steps using Geographic Information Systems. This academic year I will finish an MA in Cultural Management at the UOC.
I am currently working as a Research Assistant for the Artsoundscapes project. My work in the Artsoundscapes project is to assist the other team members in the management, research and dissemination of what is being produced in the project related to archaeology and archaeoacoustics.
Research interests
The study of past societies, cultural management and the dissemination of archaeology in society are all topics that motivate me and attract my attention. In addition, during the last five summer breaks I have worked in a series of archaeological sites, most of them dated in prehistory, the period that truly fascinates me.