Sonia Pujals Blanch
Investigadora predoctoral FPI
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0515-5146
ID Researcher: rid31788
Email: spujalsbl@ub.edu
Short biography
My scientific career began in the third year of my degree, with the ARQUB team thanks to a collaboration grant from the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation. My TFG consisted of the archeometric study of materials from the Caribbean and won the prize for the best TFG ‘Time, Space and Form’. In 2021, I studied the MA in Cultural Heritage Management at the University of York (UK), focused on the management of cultural heritage and digital humanities. My dissertation involved the development of an App that aims to tackle the imbalance between heritage elements through gamification strategies.
Research interests
My research as an FPI predoctoral researcher has two distinct and complementary components. On the one hand, it focuses on the archeometric study of Caribbean ceramics from the modern period, to deepen the knowledge about the transatlantic trade between the Spanish Empire and the Caribbean area. On the other hand, the research centres around the world of digital humanities, specifically the visualization of data and the user experience, to comply with one of the precepts of open science: bring knowledge both to the expert public and the general public. I have also collaborated in the diffusion of heritage with the WikiMac project of the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya.
Selected publications
- L’art ens va fer humans?
blog.mac.cat/lart-ens-va-fer-humans/ - Qui eren els phoeniki?
blog.mac.cat/qui-eren-els-phoeniki/ - Els mites grecs són ficció o història?
blog.mac.cat/els-mites-grecs-son-ficcio-o-historia/ - Els mosaics: una porta a la quotidianitat del passat
blog.mac.cat/els-mosaics-una-porta-a-la-quotidianitat-del-passat/ - Parlem dels ibers
Selected projects
- Projecte amb el qual desenvolupo la meva tesi doctoral: Tecnolonial: Impacte tecnològic en el nou món colonial. Canvi cultural en ceràmica: arqueologia i arqueometria (HAR2016-75312-P, HAR2012-33784 i HAR2008-02834/HIST), finançat per l’Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI).