Associated partners and collaborators
Barcelona: a hub for archaeology
The Institute of Archaeology, in association and collaboration with other institutions and entities of Barcelona and its surroundings, wants to create a pole of attraction for archaeology in this cosmopolitan Mediterranean city. In this strategic goal, our associates and collaborators are essential.
Barcelona is very rich in archaeological remains since Prehistory. The old Iberian, Roman, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary city and its surroundings have left many vestiges conforming to an exceptional archaeological heritage.

The city and neighbouring areas have also a rich ecosystem of types of equipment completely or partially devoted to archaeology. Major museums like the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC), the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), the Museu Marítim, Museu d’Història de Catalunya, Museu d’Història de la Ciutat, El Born, Museu de Badalona, Museu de l’Hospitalet, Museu de les mines de Gavà, Museu Egipci of the Clos Foundation, are only some of the ones based in the city and its surroundings. Also, administrative bodies responsible for the safeguarding and protection of the archaeological heritage have their seats in Barcelona and the surrounding area such as Servei d’Arqueologia de Barcelona, Servei d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Servei de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Local de la Diputació de Barcelona, among other. Also, professional associations, other universities and research centres have chosen Barcelona as their city.
We will also foster alliances with the rest of the institutes of the University of Barcelona to cross the limits of disciplines. We foster particular alliances with institutes sharing an interest in archaeology such as Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM) and Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic (IPOA), Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS).
We want to collaborate with nearby universities with an interest in Archaeology such as the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as well as with other research institutions like CSIC.
IAUB wants to collaborate with all these actors to create a hub for archaeology in Barcelona and the surrounding cities to position Barcelona and Catalonia as an excellence pole for archaeology worldwide.

Associated partners
These are institutions, associations, or any other entity that share aims with the institute and that contributes to the development of a network to build a hub for archaeology in Barcelona and its surroundings.
These are independent but associated with the IAUB in terms of research and their researchers (if they wish) are considered also part of the Institute and described as associated or external collaborators.
If you would like to join the Institute as an associated entity, do not hesitate to send us an email: You are essential to achieve the strategic goal of transforming Barcelona into an important hub for archaeology and archaeological heritage.

These are public and private entities that collaborate with the IAUB more or less regularly or occasionally without any formal association. If you are willing to collaborate with us, please send us an email at We will be delighted to explore possible collaborations and joint ventures with you.
Although we are mainly interested in establishing collaborations for strategic reasons, we are always in need of increasing our resources. These are not only in the form of funding but also in many other forms such as equipment, merchandising, accommodation facilities, and meals collaborations, … The wide range of projects that we develop, require imaginative solutions. If you are a company or entrepreneur, institution, individual or any other entity and you think that you could help the institute, we will be delighted to count on you. You just have to send an e-mail to There are certainly many forms in which you could collaborate with us and we would be much grateful.

Open to collaborations

One of the strategic objectives of the Institute is to consolidate and promote collaborations with other institutions in Catalonia, Spain, and internationally that share our concern for archaeology.
We will collaborate with CERCA institutes, notably with those devoted to prehistory, archaeology and cultural heritage such as Institut Català de Paleoecologia i Evolució Humana (IPEHS), Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), and Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC).
Finally, the Institute is open to national and international collaborations with other institutes of archaeology and institutions that share our aims and values.

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA)