Equality and Intersectionality Comission

Equality and Intersectionality Comission (CII-IAUB)

In a nutshell

The IAUB’s Commission for Equality and Intersectionality is created with the aim of becoming an international reference in terms of social policies applied to the archaeological environment. The CII-IUAB is a body at the service of the Institute’s members, as well as all the participants in its projects and activities. Our goal is to build and foster an intersectional and intercultural safe space that operates through dialogue and active listening and that gradually evolves and matures with the IAUB.

📧 : comissio.igualtat.iaub@ub.edu 

Road map of the CII-IAUB

  • Draft the Diversity, Equality, and Ethics Plan of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Barcelona.
  • Safeguard the conditions of equality and personal and professional development within a framework of equal opportunities concerning any sexual or gender orientation, class, or ethnicity. apply the existing protocols of sexual harassment based on sex and gender identity, and sexual orientation, and other sexist behaviours in the Institute and create a specific protocol for archaeology.
  • Develop awareness-raising actions on equality in the field of research in archaeology.
  • Encourage and promote the implementation of gender perspectives in teaching and research in Archaeology.
  • Participate and encourage dialogue with other equality committees and commissions of the same university or other research institutions.