Susana Carrascal Olmo

Postdoctoral Researcher at Evolutive and Pathological Anatomy of Humans and other Primates


Short biography

I have a PhD in Biological Anthropology and a bachelor degree in Biology from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Actually, I am in a Postdoctoral position in the Group of Evolutive and Pathological Anatomy of Humans and other Primates (AEPPRI) (SGR-2021-0024) of the Universitat de Barcelona. I have participate in the excavation and study of several burial sites from Prehistoric to Contemporary ages.

Research interests

My research interests lies in the study of human skeletal remains. Actually I am working with 3D teeth and skull models with the aim to study the changes in dental wear and the masticatory apparatus between populations from different chronologies.

Selected publications

  • Carrascal, S. 2021. Catalonia in the early middle ages through the necropolis of “Accés est de Casserres”. Thesis dissertation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35966.51524
  • Malgosa, Assumpció PhD; Carrascal, Susana MS; Piga, Giampaolo PhD; Isidro, Albert MD, PhD. Hip Dislocation and Dystocia in Early Medieval Times: Possible Evidence of Labor Maneuver. Obstetrics & Gynecology 128(6):p 1384-1387, December 2016. | DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001720
  • Carrascal, S., Chimenos-Küstner, E., Isidro, A. and Malgosa, A. (2013), Cystic Mandibular Lesion in the Antiquity. A Rare Finding. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol., 23: 319-323.
  • Liria, Josep MD1; Carrascal, Susana MS1; Fernández-Fairén, Mariano PhD2; Malgosa, Assumpció PhD1, a; Isidro, Albert PhD1, 3, 4, b. Case Report: Floating-clavicle from the 17th Century:The Oldest Case?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 470(2):p 622-625, February 2012. | DOI: 10.1007/s11999-011-2049-x
