Roman city of Aeso
Isona, Lleida

The project on Aeso (Isona i Conca Dellà, Lleida) and its territory aims to explain the historical process that takes place in the eastern sector of the Pallars Jussà region, known as Conca Dellà, in the Iberian and Roman eras. Know how the little-known Iberian population of Eśo became the Roman city of Aeso, one of the most important at the foot of the Pyrenees. Our objective is to investigate the transformative dynamics that conditioned the founding moment, the consolidation in times of the Roman Republic, urban fullness during the early imperial period and its final transformation during Late Antiquity. This involved excavations in the city of Aeso, the villa of Llorís and field survey of the surrounding landscape.
In the Roman city the investigation has been concentrated in the southern part of the city wall in the area called Hort del Cavaller, were part of the defensive structure with a tower and the remains of some houses have been uncovered.
Some references:
Garcés, I., Bermúdez, X., Belmonte, C., Reyes, T., Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á. (2021), La ciutat d’Aeso (Isona, Pallars Jussà) en època romano-republicana, Empúries
Garcés Estallo, I., Reyes i Bellmunt, T., Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., Belmonte Santisteban, C., Bermúdez i López, X. (2022), Aeso (Isona, Lleida), una ciudad romana en el Prepirineo, in Small town. Una realidad urbana en la Hispania romana, Serie MYTRA, Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida.
Garcés Estallo, I., Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., Mas Florit, C., Reyes i Bellmunt, T., Belmonte Santisteban, C., Bermúdez i López, X., Arcos López, R. (2021), Chronica aesonensis 3. Recerques arqueològiques efectuades a Isona durant l’any 2021, Memòria 2021, Centre d’Estudis d’Isona i Conca Dellà, pp. 9-25.
Garcés, I., Cau, M.Á., Reyes, T., Belmonte, C., Bermúdez, X., Mas, C. (2020), Chronica aesonensis 2. Recerques arqueològiques efectuades a Isona durant 2020, Memòria 2020, Centre d’Estudis d’Isona i Conca Dellà, pp. 9-18.
Garcés Estallo, I., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Reyes i Bellmunt, T., Belmonte Santisteban, C., Bermúdez i López, X., Mas-Florit, C. (2020), Dinàmiques de la ciutat i del territori d’Aeso en època ibèrica i romana. Passat i futur del projecte de recerca d’arqueologia a Isona, Segones jornades d’arqueologia i paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, pp. 120-130.
Garcés, I., Cau, M.Á., Reyes, T., Belmonte, C., Bermúdez, X., Ma s, C. (2019), Chronica aesonensis 1. Recerques arqueològiques efectuades a Isona durant 2019, Memòria 2019, Centre d’Estudis d’Isona i Conca Dellà, pp. 11-19

Ignasi Garcès