Early Christian Complex of Illa del Rei
(Maò, Menorca)

The Christian basilica is located in the eastern part of a small islet known as Illa del Rei, in the center of the port of Maò (Menorca). At the end of the 19th century, a mosaic was discovered. M.L. Serra excavated the site in the 60’s of the 20th century revealing the presence of a church covered by mosaics, several rooms, a stybadium, deposits, and a courtyard or open space. The recent archaeological investigation aims to re-excavated the site and the restoration of the structures.
Funding: Consell Insular de Menoca, Associació d’amics Illa de l’Hospital.
Alcaide, S., 2005, Los altares de las basílicas cristianas de las islas Baleares. Reflexiones en torno a su problemática, Hortus Artium Medievalium, 11: 81-97.
Cau M.A., Mas, C., Ripoll, G., Tuset, F. Orfila, M. and Valls, M. (2012), El conjunto eclesiástico de la Illa del Rei en Mahón (Menorca, Islas Baleares), Hortus Artium Medievalium, 18: 415-432.

Catalina Mas Florit