Early Christian Complex of Son Peretó
(Manacor, Mallorca)

The site is located in the municipality of Manacor, in the eastern part of the island of Majorca, 6 km by the road that links this town with Sant Llorenç des Cardassar (fig. 1). It is located in a small hill, surrounded by arable lands dedicated to the cultivation of wheat and fruits.
The archaeological investigation dates back to the early 20th century when Aguiló discovered it in 1912 and excavated different parts of the site. Later, in 1963, D. Iturgáiz investigated the baptistery and particularly the large baptismal font. The site drew the attention of P. de Palol and colleagues who investigated the area in the late 60’s, in particular, the baptistery and the western part of the church. It was not until, the 80’s when an extensive excavation, directed by G.
Rosselló, P. de Palol and M. Orfila, was undertaken uncovering many parts of the so-called West Sector. All this research, carried out since the early 20th century, helped to uncovered a Christian church with a baptistery attached to the west and several associated rooms both westwards and southwards of the religious buildings forming a good example of ecclesiastical architecture (fig. 1).
Since 2005, a new project started focused on the re-excavation and restoration of the remains already excavated and opening new areas of the site.
Funding: Consell de Mallorca, Ajuntament de Manacor.
Some references:
Cau, M.A., Riera, M., Salas, M., Van Strydonck, M. (2014), Radiocarbon Dating of the necropolis of the Early Christian Site of Son Peretó (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), Radiocarbon 56 (2): 1-12.
Miriello, D., Bloise, A., Crisci, G. M., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Pecci, A., Riera Rullan, M. (2013), Compositional Analyses of Mortars from the Late Antique Site of Son Peretó (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain): Archaeological Implications, Archaeometry 55 (6): 1101-1121.
Cau M.A., Riera Rullan, M. and Salas, M. (2012), The early Christian complex of Son Peretó (Mallorca, Balearic Islands): excavations in the ‘West Sector’ (2005-2008), Archeologia Medievale, XXXIX: 213-225.
Riera, M., Cau, M. A. and Salas, M. (eds.) (2013), El conjunt paleocristià de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca). Excavació i adequació de les habitacions del Sector Oest, MUSA. Revista del Museu d’Història de Manacor 8, Manacor, Mallorca.
Riera, M., Cau, M. A. and Salas, M. (eds.) (2012), Cent anys de Son Peretó: descobrint el passat cristià, Consell de Mallorca.