Esther Travé Allepuz
Universitat de Barcelona – Professora agregada
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6769–4487
ID Researcher: AAB-4981-2019
Scopus: 56114474500
Email: esther.trave@ub.edu
Short biography
I am a medievalist and archaeologist, and member of the Medieval and Postmedieval Archeology Research Group (GRAMP.UB). I hold a PhD in Medieval History and I am a specialist in the archaeological analysis of greyware pottery. I was trained in ceramic petrography at the University of Sheffield and in archaeometry (XRF and XRD) at the Institute of Archeology at the University College London (UCL). Since my return to the University of Barcelona in 2014, I have been co-director of several archaeological excavation projects at the sites of Santa Margarida de Martorell (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona), L’Esquerda (Osona, Barcelona) and Revenga (Burgos).
Selected publications
- Travé, Esther; Medina, Sonia; del Fresno, Pablo; Vicens, J.; Mauri, Alfred (2021): «Towards an Ontology-Driven Information System for Archaeological Pottery Studies: The GREYWARE Experience». Applied Sciences, 11: 7989. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11177989
- Travé, Esther; Tella, Josep M.; Del Fresno, Pablo; Socorregut, Josep; Mauri, Alfred (2021): “Assessing natural vs anthropogenic horizons through deposit modelling strategies at the Medieval Site of Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona, Spain)”, Geoarchaeology, 36/3: 511-531. DOI: doi.org/10.1002/gea.21844
- Travé, Esther; Álvaro, Karen, Domingo, Guillem (2020): “Métodos y problemas interpretativos en los estudios de cerámica utilitaria: los materiales cerámicos y sus limitaciones en el yacimiento de Revenga, Burgos (s. VI-XI)”, Archivo Español de Arqueología, 93: 229-247.
- Travé, Esther; Domingo, Guillem; Vicens, Joan; Mauri, Alfred (2019): “Morfometría de cerámicas grises catalanas: Algunas consideraciones sobre la definición de tipos en cerámica común de época medieval y postmedieval”, Zephyrus, 84: 161-182.
- Travé, Esther; Quinn, Patrick, S.; Álvaro, Karen (2019): “Another one bites the dust: firing technology and quality control in the production of medieval greyware ceramics from Catalonia, Spain”, Archaeometry, 61/6: 1280-1295. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12495.
Selected projects
- GREYWARE. Transformaciones en el uso de cerámica utilitaria de cocción reductora: Una aproximación diacrónica y social a los modos de producción y consumo. MCIN (PID2019-103896RJ-I00). 2020 – 2023. IP: Esther Travé Allepuz
- Projecte de recerca arqueològica integral al Priorat de Rocafort: jaciments de Sant Genís i Santa Margarida (Martorell). Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament de Cultura) CLT009/18/00036 (DGPC – exp. 35). 2018 – 2021. IP: Esther Travé Allepuz
- La formación del paisaje medieval: el origen de la red aldeana en el Alto Arlanza. MINECO (HAR2012-33673). 2013 – 2015. IP: M. Dolores López Pérez
- Sistemas defensivos en la primera frontera carolíngia al sur de los Pirineos: La arqueología experimental aplicada a la poliorcética altomedieval en el curso medio del Ter. MINECO (HAR2012-33673). 2013 – 2015. IP: Imma Ollich Castanyer
Selected excavations
- Jaciment de Santa Margarida. Martorell, Barcelona. The site grew around an early-Christian church and its surrounding necròpolis. This was the beginning and the core of a settlement featured by a long continuity during the medieval and modern centuries.
- Monestir de Sant Genís de Rocafort. Martorell, Barcelona. Sant Genís was a benedictine monastery located on the hill of Rocafort, created in 1042 by the lords of Castellvell. Recent excavations have discovered the monastic structures and the precedents of Romanesque building.
- Poblat Ibèric i Medieval de l’Esquerda. Les Masies de Roda / Roda de Ter, Osona, Barcelona. L’Esquerda is an important archaeological site with preserved vestigis of various historical periods, from the 10th century BC to the 14th century AD. More than 2500 years of history can be investigated at this site that was declared BCIN (Bé Cultural d’Interès Nacional) by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2006.