Fedra Alessandra Pizzato

Postodoctorals (University of Verona)

Short biography

I am currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the History of Science at the Department of Cultures and Civilization and Fellow at the Teaching and Learning Center (University of Verona – Italy).
I got a double Ph.D. in History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) and in Society and Culture (Societat i Cultura) at the University of Barcelona (Spain). I am currently working on a book from my Ph.D. dissertation concerning the relations between physical anthropology, prehistoric archaeology, and racism in Liberal Italy (1861-1915).

I have also served as curator and project manager assistant at the M9 Museum (Italian Museum of 20th Century History – Venice).

My AOS also includes History of Science, History of Archaeology, Science Communication, Critical Heritage Studies, Heritage and Politics, and Educational Methods. 

Selected publications

  • Pizzato F. A., 2022*, “Between the history of the earth and the history of man. Transdisciplinary exchanges in Liberal Italy (1861-1915)” In Pizzato F. A. (ed.), 2022*, Special Issue: “Rethinking ancient remains. Archaeological practices and the circulation of scientific knowledge”.  in Nuncius – vol 3 (2022) (under review). 
  • Pizzato F. A., 2021/2022*, “Archaeological sociability. Building patriotic and scientific networks in Liberal Italy (1861-1915)”, in Coltofean L.,  Arnold B., and Bartosiewicz L. (eds.), Connecting people and ideas: networks and networking in the history of archaeology, (Berlin: Springer) (Acepted_Forthcoming 2021/2022). 
  • Pizzato F. A., 2022*, “Objects in transit. On the theory and practices of archaeological collecting”, in Coltofean L. and Diaz-Andreu M. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of History of Archaeology (Oxford: Oxford University Press), (Acepted_Forthcoming 2021/2022). 
  • Pizzato F. A., 2017, “How Landscapes Make Science. Italian National Narrative, The Great Mediterranean, and Giuseppe Sergi’s Biological Myth”, in B. Fuerst-Bjeliš (ed.), The Mediterranean Region, (Rijeka: InTech), 79-98. 
