Francesc Rodríguez Martorell
Investigador postdoctoral programa “Margarita Salas”
Short biography
Francesc Rodríguez Martorell holds a Bachelor in History (2013) from the University of Rovira i Virgili (URV) and Master’s Degree in Classical Archaeology (2015) from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the URV. His PhD dissertation, entitled “The Mediterranean trade in Tarracona before the Islamic conquest (7th – 8th centuries AD)”, and supervised by Josep Maria Macias Solé (ICAC) and Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros (ERAAUB-UB), analysed a set of excellent ceramic assemblages located at the harbour area of Visigothic Tarragona. This research was developed at the ICAC thanks to a predoctoral fellowship (FIN2015) and it was awarded the highest distinction, summa cum laude, by an international PhD defence committee, composed by Prof. Dr Darío Bernal Casasola (UCA), Dr Michel Bonifay (Centre Camille Jullian – CNRS) and Dr Josep Anton Remolà Vallverdú (MNAT – URV).
Since January 2022 he is a postdoctoral researcher at the ERAAUB. The Margarita Salas’ grant aims to widen the classic chrono-typological and morphofunctional criteria used in pottery studies by incorporating the newest analytical techniques provided by archaeometry. These methods have proven to provide excellent results for better defining the provenance of the ceramic products and thus for addressing broad questions of Mediterranean networks and economy, particularly in a period when the political unity provided by the Roman Empire vanished. This investigation allows him to expand his research focus to other port sites of the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearics Islands.
Selected publications
- Rodríguez, F. y Macias, J. M. (2022). “Tarracona: Pottery and trade in the 7th and 8th centuries”. en: V. Caminneci, M. C. Parello i M. S. Rizzo (eds.) LRCW 6. 6th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Ware, Cooking Ware and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. Lands and sea: routes of pottery. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 26-37.
- Teixell, I. y Rodríguez, F. (2021): “Aproximación al conocimiento numismático en contextos arqueológicos del siglo VII e inicios del siglo VIII de Tarracona”, en: A. Estrada (dir.) XVI Congreso Nacional de Numismática. Tesoros y hallazgos monetarios: Protección, estudio y musealización. Del 28 al 30 de noviembre del 2018, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona-Madrid, 425-444.
- Rodríguez, F., Díaz, M., Macias, J.M., Roig, J. F. y Teixell, I. (2020). “Los últimos edificios domésticos, de servicio portuario y productivos del suburbio de Tarracona (s. VII- VIII): un ensayo holístico” en: C. Doménech i S. Gutiérrez (eds.) El sitio de las coses. La Alta Edad Media en contexto, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. Alicante: pp. 67-82.
- Fantuzzi, L., Cau, M.A., Macias, J. M. y Rodríguez, F. (2019): “Eastern Mediterranean amphorae from Late Antique urban centers of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula: archaeometric characterization”, Archeosciences-Revue d’Archéométrie 39 (2): pp. 229-247.
- Rodríguez, F. y Macias, J. M. (2018): “Buscando el siglo VIII en el puerto de Tarracona: entre la residualidad y el desconocimiento” en: I. Martín Viso; P. Fuentes, J. C. Sastre y R. Catalán [coords.] Cerámicas altomedievales en Hispania y su entorno (s. V -VIII dC). L’ergastula. Madrid: pp. 573 – 687.