Francisca Moya Cañoles
Postdoctoral/Projecte ERC LArcHer-SERP
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6603-4081
Email: franmoya.c@gmail.com
Short biography
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with a major in Archaeology (2013) and an Archaeology degree (2015) from the University of Chile. I also completed a Master of Science in the Technology and Analysis of Archaeological Materials (2016) at the Institute of Archaeology of University College London (UCL) and a PhD in Society and Culture at the University of Barcelona. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project “LArcHer: breaking barriers between Science and Heritage approaches to Levantine Rock Art through Archaeology, Heritage Science and IT” at the University of Barcelona.
Selected publications
- MOYA, F., TRONCOSO, A., ARMSTRONG, F., VENEGAS, C., 2021. Pinturas rupestres, arqueometría e historias en el Centro Norte de Chile (29°-30° Lat. S).Anuario TAREA 8, 14–46.
- MOYA-CAÑOLES, F., TRONCOSO, A., ARMSTRONG, F., VENEGAS, C., CÁRCAMO, J., ARTIGAS, D., 2021. Rock paintings, soot, and the practice of marking places. A case study in North-Central Chile. Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports 36, 102853.
- MOYA-CAÑOLES, F., 2021. Archaeological analyses of pigmenting materials, a case study on Initial Late Holocene hunter-gatherers from North-Central Chile. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36, 102801.
- MOYA, F., SIERRALTA, S., GUTIÉRREZ, R., 2019. Nuevo registro de arte rupestre en pasos cordilleranos: Paredón Luisa (Cochamó, Región de Los Lagos, Chile).Magallania 47, 175–182.
- MOYA, F., TRONCOSO, A., SEPÚLVEDA, M., CÁRCAMO, J. & GUTIERREZ, S, 2016. Pinturas rupestres en el Norte Semiárido de Chile: Una primera aproximación físico-química desde la cuenca del río Limarí (30o Lat. S). Boletín Del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, 21(2), 47–64.