Genea Girimonte
PhD student in the program “Sociedad y Cultura: Historia, Antropología, Arte y Patrimonio – especialidad arqueología”
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7167-231X
Email: ggirimgi7@alumnes.ub.edu
Short biography
I graduated in Science and technology for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and I completed the Master’s degree in 2019 in the Università della Calabria, Italy. In 2019 I also carried out two research periods at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) laboratories: “Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias para la Investigación y Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural” (LANCIC) (09/2016–11/2016 and 03/2019-06/2019), and “Centro de Ingeniería de Superficies y Acabados” (CENISA) (03/2019-06/2019) to complete the research for the Master’s thesis. The research was about the relationship between petrographic characteristics and microhardness for the study of the hydraulic properties of mortars from Teotihuacan (México) and was conducted under the direction of Dr. Domenico Miriello (Università della Calabria, Italy) and under the tutelage of Dr. Luis Barba (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México) and Dra. Alessandra Pecci (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain).
Since 2020 I am a PhD sudent at the Universitat de Barcelona, program “Societat i Cultura: Història, Antropología, Art i Patrimoni – especialidad Arqueología” with the project «Caracterización de morteros de estructuras de producción y almacenamiento de alimentos» focused on the study and characterization of mortars from ancient production and storage food structures» under the direction of Dr. Alessandra Pecci (UB) and Dr. Domenico Miriello (Univeristà della Calabria), carried out in the framework of the I+D+i project RACAMed II (PID2020- 113409GB-I00), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. PIs: A. Pecci, P. Reynolds. (01/09/2021-31/08/2024). Since march 2023 I have a FI-SDUR 2022 (5635I22) contract financied by Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR).
Research interests
My research work is in the field of archaeometry and archaeology. The main line of the research that I am currently working on is the study of ancient building materials used in specific contexts to characterize them, understand construction phases and provenance. The study is carried out through the analysis of the chemical-physical, mineralogical and petrographic characteristics and the results are combined with the analysis of chemical residues to identify and/or confirm the intended use of the structures.
Selected publications
- Miriello D., Barba L., Barba A., Barca D., Bloise A., González Parra R., Crisci G.M., De Luca R., Girimonte G., Ruvalcaba J.L., Pecci A. 2021 “Hydraulicity of lime plasters from Teotihuacán, México: a microchemical and microphysical approach” Journal of Archaeological Science 133, 105453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2021.105453
Selected projects
- RACAMed II Ánforas romanas y análisis de contenidos II. Producción y consumo de alimentos de la Baetica, la Laietania y el Oriente levantino (siglos I a.C. III d.C.), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades I+D+i (PID2020- 113409GB-I00). PIs: A. Pecci, P. Reynolds. (01/09/2021-31/08/2024). PhD student in thecframework of the project with FI- Sdur contract.
- Proyecto interdisciplinario para el estudio del barrio del rio san juan en Tteotihuacan (México): investigaciones en los cuadrantes n2e1-n2e2. Convocatoria 2022, Proyectos arqueológicos en el exterior, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte (Dir. Científica: A. Pecci, N. Moragas, L. Barba, A.Ortiz, IP A. Pecci).(1/5/2022 – 24/09/2023)
- ARQUEOFISH. Garvm en Baelo Claudia, Tingitana y Sicilia, P18-FR-1483, Junta de Andalucía, PI: D. Bernal Casasola (20/10/2020-19/10/2023). Estudio de argamasa de cetariae griegas, helenísticas y romanas de Portopalo.
- Ancient mortars and plasters: a comparison between Roman and pre-Columbian technology, Fondo Ex 60% 2021-22. Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Biologia Ecologia e Scienze della Terra (Rende, CS). PI: Domenico Miriello.
- “Studio delle malte e intonaci del sito archeologico di Pompei. Convenzione tra la Soprintendenza Speciale di Pompei e l’Università della Calabria” (IPs D. Miriello, M. Osanna).