Gustavo Camacho Vélez

Associate Professor at the University of Burgos. Member of the research team of the Colonia Clunia Sulpicia site.

Short biography

I am an archaeologist and humanist by vocation. I studied humanities at the University of Burgos and later, I resumed my studies at the University of Barcelona with a master’s degree in Archaeology, where I also obtained my PhD in 2019. Due to life circumstances, I have lived in several Eastern European countries and I have oriented my work towards teaching, always within the field of Humanities. I also work in Archaeology and I am a member of the research team of the Roman site of Colonia Clunia Sulpicia (Peñalba de Castro-Burgos).

Research interests

Roman Archaeology; Late Antique and Early Medieval Archaeology; Didactics of History; Didactics of Archaeology; Ethnoarchaeology; History and Archaeology in video games.

Selected publications

Camacho, G. and García A. (2022). Secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the use of archaeology as a teaching resource. In Edunovatic 2022. Conference Proceedings: 7th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT, December 14-15, 2022 (pp. 416-420). REDINE.

Camacho, G., García A. and Fuentes, M. (2022). Characterisation of CCSS teachers in bilingual sections in Poland and their dialogue with the CLIL curriculum. In J. C. Bel; J. C. Colomer and N. de Alba (Coords.), Repensar el currículum de Ciencias Sociales: Prácticas educativas para una ciudadanía crítica (pp. 355-364). Tirant Humanities.

Camacho, G. (2021). …Et pertransit ipsam Cluniam: Rastreando la Clunia altomedieval. In S. Sánchez, S. Díaz-Navarro, J. Fernández-Lozano and J. Jiménez (Eds.), The Archaeology of ‘Underdog Sites’ in the Douro Valley. From Prehistory to the Modern Age (pp. 230-241). Archaeopress Publishing.

Camacho, G. (2020). Urban transformations of Clunia from a diachronic analysis of the territory. In Mateos Cruz, P.; Morán Sánchez, C. J. (Eds.), Exemplum et Spolia La reutilización arquitectónica en la transformación del paisaje urbano de las ciudades históricas. Institute of Archaeology of Mérida.

Camacho, G. and García A. (2019). Arqueowiki: archaeology as an engine for learning history in the secondary school classroom. In Edunovatic 2019. Conference Proceedings: 4th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT. Adaya Press.

Selected projects

  • Archaeological analysis of the territory of Colonia Clunia Sulpicia. (Research grant from the Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León. University of Burgos. 2009 2011).
  • Archaeological survey in the area of El Barranco, in Hinojar del Rey (Huerta de Rey). (2021-2022).
  • Archaeological survey: “El Santillo” site (Arauzo de Miel, Burgos) (2019).
  • Archaeological survey in “Alto del Cuerno” and the area around “Los Castrillos”, in Huerta del Rey (Burgos). (2015).

Selected excavations

  • Excavation campaigns in Clunia since 2008.
  • Archaeological excavation in “Valdemoro” wind farm, in the municipalities of Villanueva de Argaño, Iscar, Las Quintanillas and Pedrosa de Río Úrbel (Burgos). (2022).
  • Yacimiento “Fuente de los mártires”. Modúbar de San Cibrián (Burgos) (2010).
  • Archaeological excavation: “La Lobera” Civil War mass grave. Aranda de Duero (Burgos). 2004.
