Joan Carbonell Roca

Investigador predoctoral FPU

Codi ORCID: 0000-0002-6216-3249

Short biography

I am a doctoral student at the University of Barcelona. I obtained a degree in Archaeology from the University of Barcelona in 2017 with the extraordinary Degree award 2016-2017. I did a master’s degree Máster en Cuaternario. Cambios ambientales y Huella humana 2017 – 2018 at the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. In 2019 I obtained the contract Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario (FPU) to carry out the thesis that is within the line of research in Geoarchaeology and Mcromorphology of soils in Archaeology. It is currently carried out from the SERP (Seminar of Studies and Prehistoric Research) of the University of Barcelona and led by Dr. M. Mercè Bergadà.

Research interests

I am a researcher specialising in micromorphology applied to the study of raw earth and archaeology. My career as an archaeologist and micromorphologist focuses on protohistoric periods in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. My area of interest is to apply soil micromorphology to the elements made from raw earth to determine their composition and elaboration, to analyse the microartifacts that past societies left in the sediments to determine areas of activity as well as to identify markers that environmental changes have left in the sediment.

Selected publications

  • Carbonell Roca, J; Bergadà, M. M.; Francès, J; Guardia, M. (2020). El hipogeo del Carrer París (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona): estudio micromorfológico de un depósito funerario del Neolítico final y Calcolítico Campaniforme, Zephyrus, 85, pp 15-36,


  • Carbonell, J, (2019) Pastores, Cuevas y Fumiers: Análisis micromorfológico de los niveles calcolíticos de El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos), CKQ: Estudios de Cuaternario, 9, pp 3-30 ISSN 2445-1282

