Jordi Illa Sáenz
Tècnic de Laboratori
Departament de Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada
Facultat de Ciències de la Terra
Universitat de Barcelona
Email: Jordi.illa@ub.edu
Tasks and Functions
In the petrology laboratory the basic function is to support teaching and research, as well as advice on everything related to the handling and treatment of geological and other samples.
It is available to and supports the entire department, as well as other faculty and university members.
The following processes and techniques can be carried out.
- Sampling of all kinds of samples.
- Precision cuts with low-speed saws.
- Impregnation of poorly consolidated or fragile samples with Epoxy or Polyester queen, giving the necessary consistency to be processed.
- Polishing of samples for visual or microscopic analysis and by photography.
- Realization of thin-sections of geological samples and other materials. At this point it is worth mentioning the specialization over the years in the realization of thin-sections of evaporitic samples of sulfates, chlorides, borates, etc.
- Crushing and grinding of samples for treatment or analysis.
- Sieving of samples with screenings of different lights.
- Dual staining by calcite-dolomite to be able to mineralogically differentiate the components of a carbonated rock.
- Chalcimetry of carbonate rocks or sediments.
Parallel to all this, the preparation of samples can be carried out to be analyzed in other laboratories such as:
- Preparation of oriented clay aggregates for RX diffraction analysis.
- Preparation of samples for RX fluorescence analysis.
- Obtaining a powder sample for isotopy analysis by microdrills.
To carry out all these processes, the necessary infrastructure is available, in terms of products, devices and machinery.