Josep Maria Fullola Pericot


ID Researcher: U-7904-2019

Short biography

The Palaeolithic hunter-gathered societies in Western Europe has been the main focus of my research. In 1975 I obtained a University degree in Philosophy and Arts in University of Barcelona, and in 1978 I had a PhD in Prehistory with a dissertation on the lithic technology from Mediterranean Iberian Solutrean. In 1975 I became assistant professor and from 1976 to 1978 I had a three-year pre-doctoral fellowship
In October 1978 I began working at the University of Barcelona, becoming senior full professor in prehistory in 1985 at this same university, where I continue teaching now.

As a result of the archaeological outcomes in Montsant valley I created and led a research unit, namely SERP (Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques), that promotes advanced research in Palaeolithic archaeology.

Our entire team develops several archaeological projects in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, the excavation of two main Upper Palaeolithic sites, Parco cave (since 1987) and Montlleó (since 2000); we were involved in international projects, such as the archaeological works in Baja California (1989-1992) and Foz Cõa (1999-2001). Our interdisciplinary team trains the future generation of archaeologists by offering educational programmes, fieldworks and laboratory analysis, combining different fields of science and humanities.

Our team has been actively involved in University teaching, and we have experience in student training with 23 PhD focused in social characteristics of hunter-gatherers and their subsistence economy. Since 1987 I have been the IP of 11 three-year competitive R&D projects from the Spanish Government and since 1993 the IP of the Research Quality Group of SERP from the Catalan Government As a member of academic staff, I have been involved in university governing structures (university board, university advisory board, research and economic commissions).

Other topics of my interest are the historiography and to use archaeology and the knowledge of prehistory to benefit the general public (exhibitions, teaching materials or popular science books). I participate in teaching and research evaluation programmes from Spanish (ANECA, ANEP, AQU, AGAUR, AVAP) and other international agencies (France, Belgium, Portugal and EU). Vice-president of the UISPP Upper Paleolithic commission. Since 2012 manager of the International University of Menorca (UIMIR).

I’m the author/editor of 37 books, author of 181 papers, 103 proceedings papers and 142 conferences.

Selected publications

  • FULLOLA, J.M., MANGADO, X., LANGLAIS, M., SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., FOUCHER, P., SAN JUAN, C. y MERCADAL, O., 2019: “The Site of Montlleó in the Context of the Mediterranean and Pyrenean Solutrean”, en Human Adaptations to the Last Glacial Maximum: The Solutrean and its Neighbors, Isabell Schmidt, João Cascalheira, Nuno Bicho i Gerd-Christian Weniger (eds.), ed. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pág 133-147, 3 fig., ISBN: 978-1-5275-3848-1

  • MORALES, J.I., CEBRIÀ, A., BURGUET-COCA, A., FERNÁNDEZ-MARCHENA, J., GARCÍA-AGUDO, G., RODRÍGUEZ-HIDALGO, A., SOTO, M., TALAMO, S., TEJERO, J.M., VALLVERDÚ, J. y FULLOLA, J.M., 2019: “The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occupations from Cova Foradada”, a PLOS ONE, 41 pág, 19 fig, 4 tablas.

  • FULLOLA, J.M., NADAL, J., DAURA, J. y OMS, F.X., 2020: “Introducción a la Prehistoria (nueva edición): la evolución de la cultura humana”, ed. UOC, Col·lecció Manuales nº 672, 312 pág, ISBN: 978-84-9180-691-2, Barcelona.

  • FULLOLA, J.M., CALVO, M., PETIT, M.A. y MALGOSA, A., 2020: “Cuidando a los muertos. El ritual funerario de la Cova del Pas (Menorca, España)”, en Actualidad de la investigación arqueológica en España II (2019-2020). Conferencias impartidas en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, ed. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, pág 137-153, 9 fig, 2 taules. NIPO: 822-20-046-4.

  • DAURA, J., SANZ, M., DEMURO, M., ARNOLD, M.J., COSTA, A.M., MORENO, J., FREITAS, M.C., LOPES, V., ÉGÜEZ, N., HOFFMAN, D.L., BENSON, A., CABANES, D., GARCIA-TARGA, J. y FULLOLA, J.M., 2021: “A new chronological framework and site formation history for cova del Gegant (Barcelona): Implications for neanderthal and anatomically modern human occupation of NE Iberian Peninsula”, en Quaternary Science Reviews.

Selected projects

  • El poblamiento humano en el NE peninsular y contexto paleoambiental durante el Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno inicial. Font de finançament: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Durada: 2021-2024. Import: 114.950 €. Nombre d’investigadors/es, especificant quants són de l’IAUB. 21 investigadors (12 de l’IAUB).

  • Transicions culturals durant el Pleistocè i l’Holocè al litoral -prelitoral de Catalunya. Font de finançament: Servei d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia, Departament de Cultura, Generalitat de Catalunya. Durada: 2022-2025. Import: Pendent d’adjudicació. Nombre d’investigadors/es, especificant quants són de l’IAUB. 5 investigadors (4 de l’IAUB).