Júlia Coso Álvarez
Tècnic especialitzat de recerca (programa INVESTIGO)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3258-22820
Email: juliacoso@ub.edu
Short biography
Graduated in Archaeology by the University of Barcelona (2016), and master’s degree in Formació del professorat (2017). I started my PhD thesis on 2017 in the ARQUB-GRACPE research team, which it is focus on the archaeometric characterization of the ceramic production of the Kingdom of Seville between the 15th and 18th centuries. In 2019 I participated as laboratory and field technician in the international project of Saruq-Al Hadid (Dubai, EAU) and the excavation of the early Christian Basilica of Sanitja (Menorca, Spain). Since 2016 I collaborate as researcher in various excavations and projects related with the study of the medieval ages in the Catalan Pyrenees and pre-Pyrenees (“Muntanya Viva” LT009/18/00041, “In territorio Orritense” ARQ0001SOL-129-2022) carrying out the direction of some of the archaeological sites of the project (2017-2019 Vilavella del Castellet and 2020-currently Sant Martí de les Tombetes). Between 2019 and 2022 I had a scholarship (Bosch i Gimpera Fundation) for training in the archaeometric characterization of ceramics in the framework of the TECNOLONIAL project. On May-June 2021 I did a predoctoral stage of three months, Funded by the Agustí Pedro i Pons Foundation, on the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (Athens, Greece). Since December 2022 I worked as specialized research technician, Programa Investigo, on the ARQUB-GRACPE research team.
Research interests
- Archaeometric research and study of the technological procedures in ancient and modern ceramics
- Study of production and distribution of pottery materials from the Kingdom of Seville
- Commercial and exchange dynamics
- Medieval archaeology
Selected publications
Cardona Colell, R.; Coso Álvarez, J; Peix Visiedo J.; Salisi Clos, J.M. (2022). A Verdú fan cantirets. L’antic forn de cal Salisi, la producció de ceràmica negra a la vila closa: una problemàtica cronològica. Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent (RAP).
Alegría Tejedor, W.; Batlle Baró, S.; Coso Alvarez, J.; Costa Badia, X., Mallofré Lopez, B. (2020). Vilavella del Castellet (Tremp, el Pallars Jussà): Resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques realitzades en el període 2015-2018 (Projecte Muntanya Viva). A: Monjo Gallego, M.; Gallart Fernández, J.; Galobart Lorente, A.; Sancho Planas, M.; Albert Labal, F.; Falcó Zabala, P.; Clua Novials, E.; Perea Saureu, M.; Tort Bardolet, J.; Querol Butia, R. [Cord.], Segones Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, p. 156-165, Lleida, Arts Gràfiques de la Diputació de Lleida.
Coso Álvarez, J. (2017). Caracterización arqueométrica de la cerámica vidriada monocroma: El convento de los Dominicos de Castelló d’Empúries (Cataluña). Arkeogazte Aldizkaia, 7, p.349-360.
Selected projects
“In territorio Orritense”. L’evolució del poblament prepirinenc de l’antiguitat tardana al mon medieval. ARQ0001SOL-129-2022.
Priores, senyors i prínceps. Els espais de poder a la Catalunya medieval i moderna. ARQ001SOL-127-2022
Impacto tecnologico en el nuevo mundo colonial. Cambio cultural en arqueologia y arqueometria ceràmica (TECNOLONIAL). PID2020-117769GB-I00:
Mediterranean Connectivity: Economy, Trade and Commercial Circuits in the Roman West (2nd c. BCE — 1st c. CE). 22/03/2020 – 21/03/2023
Selected excavations
Intervenció arqueológica al jaciment d’època medieval de Sant Martí de les Tombetes (Snt. Esteve de la Sarga, Pallars Jussà). Direcció: Izaskun Ambrosio Arcas, Júlia Coso Alvarez.
Sant Martí de les Tombetes – MUNTANYA VIVA (ub.edu)