Júlia Coso Álvarez

Tècnic especialitzat de recerca (programa INVESTIGO)

ORCID: 0000-0002-3258-22820

Email: juliacoso@ub.edu 

Short biography

Graduated in Archaeology by the University of Barcelona (2016), and master’s degree in Formació del professorat (2017). I started my PhD thesis on 2017 in the ARQUB-GRACPE research team, which it is focus on the archaeometric characterization of the ceramic production of the Kingdom of Seville between the 15th and 18th centuries. In 2019 I participated as laboratory and field technician in the international project of Saruq-Al Hadid (Dubai, EAU) and the excavation of the early Christian Basilica of Sanitja (Menorca, Spain). Since 2016 I collaborate as researcher in various excavations and projects related with the study of the medieval ages in the Catalan Pyrenees and pre-Pyrenees (“Muntanya Viva” LT009/18/00041, “In territorio Orritense” ARQ0001SOL-129-2022) carrying out the direction of some of the archaeological sites of the project (2017-2019 Vilavella del Castellet and 2020-currently Sant Martí de les Tombetes). Between 2019 and 2022 I had a scholarship (Bosch i Gimpera Fundation) for training in the archaeometric characterization of ceramics in the framework of the TECNOLONIAL project. On May-June 2021 I did a predoctoral stage of three months, Funded by the Agustí Pedro i Pons Foundation, on the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (Athens, Greece). Since December 2022 I worked as specialized research technician, Programa Investigo, on the ARQUB-GRACPE research team. 

Research interests

  1. Archaeometric research and study of the technological procedures in ancient and modern ceramics
  2. Study of production and distribution of pottery materials from the Kingdom of Seville
  3. Commercial and exchange dynamics
  4. Medieval archaeology

Selected publications

Cardona Colell, R.; Coso Álvarez, J; Peix Visiedo J.; Salisi Clos, J.M. (2022). A Verdú fan cantirets. L’antic forn de cal Salisi, la producció de ceràmica negra a la vila closa: una problemàtica cronològica. Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent (RAP).

Alegría Tejedor, W.; Batlle Baró, S.; Coso Alvarez, J.; Costa Badia, X., Mallofré Lopez, B. (2020). Vilavella del Castellet (Tremp, el Pallars Jussà): Resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques realitzades en el període 2015-2018 (Projecte Muntanya Viva). A: Monjo Gallego, M.; Gallart Fernández, J.; Galobart Lorente, A.; Sancho Planas, M.; Albert Labal, F.; Falcó Zabala, P.;  Clua Novials, E.;  Perea Saureu, M.; Tort Bardolet, J.; Querol Butia, R. [Cord.], Segones Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, p. 156-165, Lleida, Arts Gràfiques de la Diputació de Lleida.

Coso Álvarez, J. (2017). Caracterización arqueométrica de la cerámica vidriada monocroma: El convento de los Dominicos de Castelló d’Empúries (Cataluña). Arkeogazte Aldizkaia, 7, p.349-360. 

Selected projects

 “In territorio Orritense”. L’evolució del poblament prepirinenc de l’antiguitat tardana al mon medieval. ARQ0001SOL-129-2022.

Priores, senyors i prínceps. Els espais de poder a la Catalunya medieval i moderna. ARQ001SOL-127-2022

Impacto tecnologico en el nuevo mundo colonial. Cambio cultural en arqueologia y arqueometria ceràmica (TECNOLONIAL). PID2020-117769GB-I00:

Mediterranean Connectivity: Economy, Trade and Commercial Circuits in the Roman West (2nd c. BCE — 1st c. CE). 22/03/2020  21/03/2023

Selected excavations

Intervenció arqueológica al jaciment d’època medieval de Sant Martí de les Tombetes (Snt. Esteve de la Sarga, Pallars Jussà). Direcció: Izaskun Ambrosio Arcas, Júlia Coso Alvarez.

Sant Martí de les Tombetes – MUNTANYA VIVA (ub.edu)
