Short biography
He is a predoctoral student since February 2024 in the project SPEGEOCHERT under the direction of Marta Sánchez de la Torre of the University of Barcelona and François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec of the University Bordeaux-Montaigne. His research focuses on developing new methodologies for chert sourcing using X-ray fluorescence and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Interested in lithic sourcing using Archaeometric methods. He has worked on the sourcing of chlorite, obsidian and chert during and after his masters at Archeosciences Bordeaux (2021-2023).
Research interests
- Lithic sourcing
- Archaeometry
- Prehistory
- Statistic Modelling
Selected publications
- Le Guirriec, J., Sánchez De La Torre, M., Bousquet, B., Lefrais, Y., Mangado, X., González, C.B., Le Bourdonnec, F., 2024. Chert sourcing using LIBS: The case of Cova del Parco, Spain. Archaeometry arcm.12941. https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12941
Selected projects
Member of the research project SPEGEOCHERT: Spectroscopy and Geochemistry of chert. Reconstructing human mobility in the Pyrenees from the first Modern Humans to the last Pleistocene hunter-gatherers (Ref. 101075451), funded by the European Research Council through the Starting Grant actions. 1.500.000 €. PI: Marta Sánchez de la Torre.
ANR 2MI Migrations, Mobility and Innovations : interpreting change between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age in the South Caucasus and Northern Iran. ANR PRC : ANR19-CE27-0026 (2020-2023)
Selected excavations
- Cova del Parco (Lleida, Spain), and open air site of Montlleó (La Cerdanya, Spain)