Laia Gallego Vila
Investigadora Predoctoral FI-DGR
ORCID: : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1247-5567
Email: laiagallegovila@ub.edu
Short biography
I am currently a PhD student (FI-DGR) in the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Barcelona. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Archaeology (UB) and later I took a Master’s degree in Contemporary History and Current World (UB-UOC). In parallel, I worked in professional archaeology and in dissemination and didactics of heritage. Academically, I have specialized in contemporary past archaeology. I have also participated in several projects of archaeological intervention of the contemporary period in different projects in Spain. And I have been part of international projects in the field of European historical memory.
Research interests
In the field of the archaeology of the Civil War, I have researched on the destruction and material damage of the bombings of the Spanish Civil War, as well as the influence of materiality on the construction and transmission of traumatic memories of the bombings. I am currently researching in my doctoral thesis on industrialisation and domesticity in contemporary society, specifically abandoned rural villages, industrial colonies and shanty towns.
Selected publications
Gallego-Vila, L.; Solé, Q. (2021) “Spain’s Valley of the Fallen, Where Human Remains Disappear: A Funerary Monument for a Dictator”, Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 7.2, 227–242.
Gallego-Vila, L. (2019) Edificis ferits: un estudi històrico-arqueològic dels bombardeigs de Barcelona, guanyador 16a edició del Premi de la Societat Catalana d’Arqueologia: Memorial Josep Barberà i Farràs.
Gallego-Vila, L.; Solé, Q. (2019) “The impacts of the German and Italian bombings in Barcelona”, en llibre col·lectiu Nazis in the Basque Country and Catalonia, Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (USA).
Gallego-Vila, L. (2018) “El barraquismo en la ciudad de Barcelona durante el Franquismo. Primeras aproximaciones a una domesticidad desde los márgenes” Revista ArkeoGazte Aldizkaria, 8, 239-258.
Gallego-Vila, L. (2017) «Els bombardeigs de Barcelona durant la Guerra Civil: historiografia i memorialització», Índice Histórico Español (ISSN en línea: 2339-6989), 130.
Selected projects
Membre de l’equip 2021 SGR 01079 – Grup de Recerca Consolidat Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals (GREC CEHI UB).
Membre de l’equip del projecte NECROPOL: Más allá del subtierro. Del giro forense a la necropolítica en las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil (Proyecto I+D+i PID2019-104418RB-I00) (https://politicasdelamemoria.org/)
ERASMUS+ KA220 My City through time (2023-2024, EUROM, Blockfrei, Documenta)
Membre de l’equip del Projecte Quadriennal de recerca (2018-2021): El Cinglo Alt. Arqueologia de la Guerra Civil al front del Pallars. IP: Dra. Queralt Solé Barjau. (http://www.ub.edu/passatmesrecent/quadriennal-2018-2021/)
Coordinació al grup general i coordinadora de l’àrea de Barcelona del projecte Pobles Abandonats. Una herència universal per al coneixement i desenvolupament del territori, Institut Ramon Muntaner (IRMU)
Selected excavations
- Barraques mineres de Coll de Pradell (Vallcebre, Alt Berguedà)
- El Cinglo Alt (Gavet de la Conca, Pallars Jussà)
- Forn protoindustrial d’Oli de Ginebre de Mariano Agustí / Berrús I (Riba-roja d’Ebre, Ribera d’Ebre)