Manuel Bea Martínez
Área de Prehistoria, Dpt. Ciencias de la Antigüedad
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2841-3347
Email: manubea@unizar.es
Short biography
Graduate in History (2001), Doctor in History (specializing in Prehistory) (2005) and Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage Management (2012). Collaboration fellow with the Department of Antiquity Sciences (2001), FPU fellow (2002-2006), postdoctoral fellow PPVE Group (2007-2013), «Torres Quevedo» Program post-doctoral researcher (MINECO) (2013- 2016) and Senior Collaborating Doctor researcher (UZ) (2016-2020), Professor-Tutor at UNED (since 2017), «Recognised Researcher» (ERC Project, LARCHER – Universitat Jaume I) (2020-2021), Senior Lecturer (Profesor Contratado Doctor) (UZ) (since 2021), member of the Spanish Committee of ICOMOS (since 2019) and member of the Rock Art National Committee ICOMOS-Spain. He has been IP of a National Project («Torres Quevedo», MINECO) and another Autonomous Project (Innovation Program of the Government of Aragon), in addition to participating in numerous Autonomous, National (CICYT, MINECO) and International projects (in the United States, France, Portugal, United Arab Emirates). He has directed or co-directed more than 60 archaeological campaigns and carried out research stays at the University of New Mexico (United States), University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Universitat Jaume I and Sharjah Archaeological Authority (United Arab Emirates). He is the author of more than 150 scientific publications.
Research interests
Rock Art
Selected publications
- Bea, Manuel; Domingo, Inés (2021). Weaponry in Levantine rock art: a general view from the Maestrazgo region, Spain. In Weapons and tools in Rock Art. A World Perspective: 45-59. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
- Angás, J.; Bea, M. ; Jasim, S. J.; Uribe, P.; Farjas, M. (2021). New insights into human occupation through rock art at Khatm al Melaha archaeological site (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 39: 103147-103147. doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103147
- Bea, Manuel (2020). When not everything is as nice as its looks. Social veiled conflicts in Levantine Rock Art (Spain). Quaternary International , 544: 12-22. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.09.044
- Bea, M.; Domingo, I.; Angás, J. (2021). El abrigo de Barranco Gómez (Castellote, Teruel), un nuevo conjunto con arte levantino en el núcleo rupestre del Guadalope. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 78(1): 164-178. doi.org/10.3989/tp.2021.12271
- Bea, M.; Angás, J. (2017). Geometric documentation and virtual restoration of the rock art removed in Aragón (Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports, 11: 159-168 doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.11.025.
Selected projects
- Gaps and Dates.Dinámicas culturales en la Prehistoria de la Cuenca del Ebro (GAD). (2021-2024). IP: Lourdes Montes y Carlos mazo. Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Redefiniendo el arte Levantino desde la interdisciplinariedad: Arqueología, Ciencias del Patrimonio y tecnologías digitales al servicio del conocimiento y la conservación de un Patrimonio Mundial. (2016-2019). IP: Inés Domingo. Universitat de Barcelona.
- Desarrollo experimental de un Sistema de Documentación Integrada (SDI) para la investigación, conservación, restitución y difusión virtual de conjuntos con arte rupestre Patrimonio Mundial: Escáner 3D y herramientas digitales. (2013-2016). Programa “Torres Quevedo” (MINECO). IP: Manuel Bea.
- Aplicación y desarrollo tecnológico de nuevas herramientas para el impulso turístico de lugares con arte rupestre Patrimonio Mundial en Aragón. (2013-2015). (Programa IMPULSO. Gobierno de Aragón). IP: Manuel Bea.