Maria Mercè Bergadà Zapata

Professora Titular d’Universitat

ORCID: 0000-0003-3637-7793

Scopus Author ID: 8116637300

Researcher ID: AAF-3715-2021


Short biography

Doctorate in Geography and History, section: Prehistory and Ancient History from the University of Barcelona in 1996. For her doctorate she obtained the Mention of European Doctor (1996), the Extraordinary Doctorate Award (1997) and the Doctors Faculty Award (1999).

Professor in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Barcelona since 2003. Specialist in geoarchaeology and soil micromorphology of archaeological sites, especially prehistoric ones.

She has spent time at various research centres, such as the Institut National Agronomique (Plaisir- Grignon, France) ;Department of Geography at the University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA) and Department of Geology and Soil Science at the Universtiy of Gent (Gent, Belgium).

She has participated in more than 50 national and international research projects, specifically on the Mediterranean basin of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal and Mexico. She is the author of more than 95 contributions in books and papers and more than 76 contributions to national and international conference proceedings.

Her current lines of research include: Geoarchaeology, microstratigraphy and palaeoenvironment in Palaeolithic, Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic sites; Characterisation of pastoral activity in caves and rockshelters through sediment and Micromorphological study of structures and elements of domestic architecture.

Research interests

Geoarchaeology, microstratigraphy and paleoenvironment in Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic and Neolithic records

Geoarchaeological characterization of animal housing in caves and shelters

Micromorphological characterization of anthropogenic sediments: structures, pavements and other elements of domestic architecture

Biogenic sedimentation in karst archaeological records

Selected publications

Bergadà, M.M.; Oms, F.X. (2021). Pastoral practices, bedding and fodder during the Early Neolithic through micromorphology at Cova Colomera (Southeastern Pre-Pyrenees, Iberia). 014966 – Open Archaeology. 7, pp.1258 – 1273.

Carbonell, J.; Bergadà, M. M.; Francès, J.; Guardia, M. (2020). El hipogeo del Carrer París (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona): estudio micromorfológico de un depósito funerario del Neolítico final y Calcolítico Campaniforme. Zephyrus. 85, pp. 15 – 36.

Eixea, A.; Oltra, I.; Bergadà, M. M.; Villaverde, V. (2020). The reinterpretation of the Cova Negra archaeological and stratigraphical sequence and its implications in the understanding of the Middle Palaeolithic Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary International. 566-567: 98 – 112. DOI:

Mateu, M.; Bergadà, M. M.; Armada, X.L.; Rafel, N. (2019). Micromorphology of the Early Iron Age semi-cemented floors:El Calvari del Molar (Tarragona, NE Spain) as case study.011977 – Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 23, pp. 746 – 762.

Villaverde, V.; Real, C.; Roman, D.; Albert, R.M.; Badal , E.; Bel, M.A.; Bergadà M. M.; De Oliveira , P.; Eixea A.; Esteban I.; Martínez-Alfaro, A.; Martínez-Varea,C.M.; Pérez-Ripoll, M. (2019). The early Upper Palaeolithic of Cova de les Cendres (Alicante, Spain). Quaternary International. 515:92 – 124.DOI:

Selected projects

Prácticas de pastoreo durante el Neolítico en Cova de Can Sadurní. Microestratigrafía y Arqueomagnetismo. Proyecto Fundación Palarq. 2022-23.Codi del conveni: 21262

El poblament prehistòric a la conca mitja i alta del riu Segre ARQ001SOL-124-2022

El poblamiento humano en el NE peninsular y contexto paleoambiental durante el Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno inicial. PID2020-113960GB-I00

Síntesis del Paleolítico medio y superior en Valencia y Murcia. Aspectos cronológ¡cos, paleoambientales, económcos y culturales. HAR2017-85153-P

2017SGR11: Grup de Recerca de Qualitat SERP (Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques).
