Marina Fernández Liarte
Investigadora predoctoral (FI-SDUR)
Short biography
University education begins at the University of Barcelona, being graduated in Archaeology Degree. Later is carried out a Master’s Degree in Prehistoric Archaeology at the Complutense University of Madrid. During this stage of university education it was possible to spend a period at the Archaeobiology Laboratory (ArqBio) of the Institute of History of CSIC, in the area of archaeozoology. The doctorate is currently being developed in the Society and Culture doctoral program as part of the Trainee Predoctoral Research Staff (FI-SDUR). In the context of training and dissemination of research progress, it has participated in several conferences on multiple topics. This is the case of the V and VI Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia, the 10th Meeting of the International Council for Archaeozoology Bird Working Group, the 9th Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum or the XVI Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Paleopatología.
Research interests
Archaeological research be confined to the field of archaeozoology. Fundamentally the main work line is urban archaeozoology. Thus, current research focuses on the interaction between humans and animals in urban contexts. The gaze is fixed on historical stages, especially in Roman times, late antiquity and Middle Age. In this sense, the current activity focuses on Roman, late antiquity and medieval Barcelona. The city becomes a nucleus in which there are important movements of fauna. In this context, several research points are specifically developed. These are the consumption patterns, the use of hard and soft tissues of animal origin to elaborate bone tools or to use skins or the paleopathology evidences. At the same time, the rural world has also been approached through faunal assemblages from mountain contexts.
Selected publications
- Fernández, M., Nadal, M., Ramos, J., Miró, C., Banks, P., Nadal, J., Riera, S., & Lloveras, L. (2022). From sacred symbolism to luxury display and consumption: The peacock in medieval Catalonia—Data from zooarcheological, iconographic, and literary evidences. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 1–9.
- Fernández Liarte, M. 2021. Recursos faunístics a la Barcelona imperial, tardoantiga i medieval. Implicacions econòmiques i socials. In: Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA), Institut de Cultura i Ajuntament de Barcelona (Eds.). Quaderns d’Arqueologia i Història de la ciutat de Barcelona (quarhis), 15: 201. ISSN 1699-793X. Barcelona
- Fernández, M. et al. 2021. Conchas en la calle Sotstinent Navarro: gestión y consumo de ostras y otros moluscos en Barcelona entre la Antigüedad y la Edad Media. In: Vicens, M.À. y Pons, G.X. (Eds.). Avances en Arqueomalacología. Nuevos conocimientos sobre las sociedades pasadas y su entorno natural gracias a los moluscos. Mon. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 32: 337-356. ISBN 978-84-09-27590-8. Palma
- Belmonte, C. et al. 2016. La societat ibèrica al Pallars Jussà (Lleida, Catalunya): l’aportació del sitjar del Serrat dels Espinyers d’Isona. In: Belarte, M.C., Garcia, D. i Santmartí, J. (Eds.). Les estructures socials protohistòriques a la Gàl·lia i a Ibèria. Arqueo Mediterrània, 14: 203-209. ISBN 978-84-936769-4-0. Barcelona.