Marta Sánchez de la Torre
Professora Agregada
Short biography
Marta Sánchez de la Torre is an associate professor at the Department of History and Archeology of the University of Barcelona and a researcher at the Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques (SERP) and the Institute of Archeology of the University of Barcelona (IAUB). She is number academic of the Young Academy of Spain since 2023 and member of the FECYT platform Women in Science from the Ministry of Science and Innovation. She holds a doctorate in Prehistory (2015) and has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona (2020-2023) and previously at the University of Zaragoza (2018-2019) and the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, in France (2015-2017). She has made research stays in Canada, France, Italy and Hungary. Her main line of research focuses on the study of the mobility of prehistoric societies through the geochemical analysis of lithic materials. As an archaeologist, since 2013 she has co-directed archaeological interventions in prehistoric sites in the NE peninsula. She is the author of more than 40 scientific articles and in 2022 she has received funding through a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to investigate human mobility in the Pyrenean Mountains during the last glacial episode.
Selected publications
SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., GRATUZE, B., LE BOURDONNEC, F.X., SACCHI, D. & MANGADO, X., 2023, The use of geochemistry to infer Upper Palaeolithic human mobility in the Pyrenees, Open Access Journal on Archaeology and Anthropology, 4(3), 1-9.
SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., JIMÉNEZ RUIZ, L., GRATUZE, B., DUARTE, E., BLASCO, M.F. & RODANÉS, J.M., 2023, Inferring the territoriality of Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer’s groups settled at Cueva del Gato 2 (Épila, Zaragoza), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15, 119.
SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., MANGADO, X., CASTILLO-JIMÉNEZ, S., LUQUE, L., ALCOLEA-GONZÁLEZ, J.J. & ALCARAZ-CASTAÑO, M., 2023, New data on chert catchment analysis in inland Iberia during the Late Pleistocene, Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 38 (5), 615-630.
SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., UTRILLA, P., MONTES, L., DOMINGO, R., LE BOURDONNEC, F.X. & GRATUZE, B., 2021, Characterising the lithic raw materials from Fuente del Trucho (Asque-Colungo, Huesca). New data about Palaeolithic human mobility in NE Iberia, Archaeometry, 63 (2), 247-265.
SÁNCHEZ DE LA TORRE, M., SACCHI, D., LE BOURDONNEC, F.X. & GRATUZE, B., 2020, Tracing Paleolithic human routes through the geochemical characterization of chert tools from Caune de Belvis (Aude, France), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12, 135.