Octavio Torres Gomariz

Margarita Salas – GRAP

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1933-5551
Email: octavio.torres@ua.es

Short biography

PhD in Archaeology from the University of Alicante. His research focuses on the everyday life of protohistoric Balearic society from the study of their dwellings, from a materialist and feminist perspective, paying attention to the relations of these groups with contemporary Phoenician-Punic Mediterranean communities. He has co-directed archaeological excavations in Alicante and Menorca as part of university research teams and has worked as a freelance archaeologist and museum educator. He is currently a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher, developing a line of research on musicality and sonority in the natural and built spaces of the protohistoric Balearic archipelago within the framework of the ERC Artsoundscapes project. She is also a member of the Archaeologists Project of the University of Barcelona, in which she analyses the role played by women archaeologists and historians who have not had the historiographical relevance they deserve.

Research interests

Household Archaeology, Mediterranean Protohistory, Phoenician-Punic archaeology, Balearic Islands, gender studies, didactics of archaeology.

Selected publications

  • Carballo Pérez, J., Torres Gomariz, O. (2020) Voces femeninas en cuerpos aislado. Lecturas de género en la Osteoarqueología de la Protohistoria de Canarias y Baleares. ArkeoGazte, 10: 69-88.
  • Díaz-Andreu, M., Torres Gomariz, O., Zarzuela Gutiérrez, P. (2022) Voces in crescendo. Del mutismo a la afonía en la historia de las mujeres en la arqueología española. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante.
  • Hernández-Gasch, J., Torres Gomariz, O., Puig Palerm, A. (2022) Murades de la edat del ferro a les illes Balears. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante.
  • Torres Gomariz, O. (2022) Architecture to explore interactions in the Protohistoric Mediterranean: an approach to punic architectural culture as a case of study. Tabona: revista de prehistoria y arqueología, 22: 151-174.
  • Torres Gomariz, O., de Nicolás Mascaró, J. (2020) La Casa de l”aeroport. Una vivienda paradigmática de la Menorca protohistórica y romana (ss. IV A.N.E. – II N.E.), Cuadernos de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada, 30: 459-478.
