
Outreach and Transfer of Knowledge

Under the umbrella of outreach, we also include the transfer of knowledge as a return to society of the results and discoveries of the IAUB. Of the many goals, some are:

    • Disseminate scientific knowledge of the different areas in which the Institute works through digital and printed media both in science and for society.
    • Increase the social and economic impact of archaeological research developed by the Institute through active participation in knowledge transfer activities, in the creation of spin-offs and collaboration with administrations and companies.

We develop contract services for other institutions, companies or professionals in the field of archaeology and archaeological heritage. Most of our transfer of knowledge is channelised through the Fundació Bosch Gimpera (group UB).

The Institute will also promote maximum scientific and ethical rigour in interventions on archaeological heritage carried out by the Institute itself. Likewise, it will ensure that it practices and raises awareness within the profession about problems related to the defence, conservation, and dissemination of cultural heritage. The Institute will collaborate when required and at the request of the competent administrations, in the problems related to the defence, conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage that are developed at the state level.

We participate actively in different outreach initiatives. If you want the IAUB to participate in some ideas, please send us an e-mail: institut.arqueologia@ub.edu.




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Who built the first cities?

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CONFERENCE: Greek trade in the Mediterranean in antiquity

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IAUB in the media

IAUB researchers collaborate widely in the media with interviews and other collaborations. The research developed at the Insitute is also often featured in different media.
