Raquel Guimarães
Investigadora predoctoral, con beca de la FCT
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7910-3373
Email: rsantogu31@alumnes.ub.edu
Short biography
Archaeologist, graduated in Archaeology (2016) by Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a master in archaeology by the same University under the tutelage of Dr. José Carlos Quaresma (CHAM-UNL) and Dr. Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros (ICREA; ERAAUB). My research interests focus mostly on the study of the commercial and economic dynamics in the late republican and high empire periods, through the study of amphoric and other ceramic vessels.
During my undergraduate years, I participated in several excavations and projects. From 2016 to 2019 I was part of the project TabMir, As tabernae de Mirobriga, Chãos Salgados, Santiago do Cacém: um estudo de caso da economia romana e tardo-antiga na Lusitania. led by José Carlos Quaresma. From 2017 until the present time, I have participated in the Project of excavation of the Roman City of Pollentia (Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain). Since 2019 I have been an associate investigator at Museu Arqueológico Municipal do Fundão and Museu Municipal de Penamacor (Portugal), developing several studies about Roman and Late Antique pottery and glass vessels.
Between 2016 and 2021 I worked as a professional archaeologist in several companies, mostly in urban contexts in Lisbon.
Currently, I have a PhD scholarship funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), an institution from Portugal, to develop a thesis entitled “Roman Trade in the Western Mediterranean – the amphorae in the city of Pollentia (Alcudia, Mallorca) between the Republic and the Principate (2nd century BC – 2nd century AD)”, in the doctoral program of Societat i Cultura by the University of Barcelona.
Selected publications
- GUIMARÃES, R. (2019) – O comércio em Período Romano nas Ilhas Baleares – Um conjunto anfórico do Porto de Pollentia (Alcúdia, Maiorca, Espanha). Dissertação de Mestrado em Arqueologia. Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (U.N.L.).
- QUARESMA, J.; SILVA, R.B.; GUIMARÃES, R.; SOUSA, F.; FELÍCIO, C. (2021) – Shop nr 1 from Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém, Portugal): ceramic evolution of the Late Antique levels. In: Actas Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, 31. Cluj-Napoca.
- QUARESMA, J. C. ; FELÍCIO, C.; SOUSA, F.; GADANHO, A.; GUIMARÃES, R.; SILVA, R. B. (2020) -Espaços residenciais em Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém, Portugal): Leitura crítica de dois casos. In: Pizzo, A. (Ed.) 2020: La arquitectura doméstica urbana de la Lusitania romana. Mytra 6, Mérida.
- QUARESMA, J; SILVA, R.B.; GADANHO, A.; GUIMARÃES, R. (2019) –Cerâmicas Finas em contextos Flávios e Antoninos de Olisipo, Mirobriga, Ammaia e Quinta do Ervedal: o Litoral e o Interior da Lusitania em análise. In: Terra Sigillata Hispánica –I Encuentro de Investigadores, pp. 255-297. Andújar.
- GUIMARÃES, R; GADANHO, A.; BIZARRO, J. (forhcoming) – Common ware of Late-Antique contexts from the site of Quinta do Ervedal (Castelo Novo, Fundão, Portugal) – preliminary analysis. In: LRCW7 / 7th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares.
Research projects
- 2017-Present – Project of the Roman City of Pollentia (Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain) – Consorci de la ciutat romana de Pollentia. Under the cientific coordenation of Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, Maria Esther Chávez Álvarez y Catalina Mas Florit.
- 2016-2019 – TabMir – As tabernae de Mirobriga, Chãos Salgados, Santiago do Cacém: um estudo de caso da economia romana e tardo-antiga na Lusitania. Under the cientific coordenation of José Carlos Quaresma